
Today we did a project for school and here it is the information for GPS. How to operate the GPS we used, you type in a location in the East and West coordinates and it will show you where you need to go.

Games with the GPS- Hide and go seek,find the treasure, find the location.

There are diffrent GPS in the world let me tell you some.

Car GPS -for typing in the location then siting it on your dash then it will tell you where to go.

Garmin GPS – for you type in a  location then the Gps wil tell you were to find your hideout or location it also comes with a CD.

Phone GPS – Same thing as a Car GPS except you have it on a phone ” and it is touch screen.”


I will do more stuff when I get out of school today it is a monday May 7,2012 see yall later.

Spring Break !

What I did over my spring break was I went And watched Act of Valor with my dad

at the movie theater in Longview, we had a good time watching that movie and we watch our High School basketball Team White Oak They won State, and now they are State  Champion, of the 2a division. That is what I did on Spring Break, what did you do, did you have Spring Break our not well tell me bye!