I am going to talk about the facts and myths of smoking tobacco in this post.
Myth Smoking is not a problem.
The Fact nicotine in tobacco is addictive. Nicotine has been compared to Cocaine and heroin addiction. Nicotine causes withdraws like insomnia and nervousness and can cause craving on food like sodas coffee and alcohol.
Another myth is that adults only smoke but the fact is 13 years of age is the average age a person starts to smoke and 90% of teenagers that smoke they do it as a adult .
Another myth is that smoking helps the body relax but the fact is that nicotine speeds up your body and it keeps u busy trying to smoke the cigs.
Another myth is that smoking helps weight loss but 1/3 of smoker gain weight 1/3 of smoker lose weight and 1/3 stay the same .Another myth is that once you are addicted to smoking the damage is already done and there is not point in stoping. The fact is that in 20 minutes blood pressure and pulse rates drop and body temperature returns to normal, in eight hours oxygen levels return to normal, in a day a chance of a heart attack decrease, 48 hours nerves ends begin to regrow taste and smell improve, 3 days breathing because easier and lung expand, within 3 week or 3 months lung function is up to 30% better, one to nine months lung cilia regrow coughing, and shortness of breath decrease, in a year risk of heart disease is cut in half, in five years the lung mouth throat and esophagus cancer is reduced by 50% stoke is also decrease, in 10 years bladder cancer kidney cancer cervix cancer and pancreas cancer is starting to decrease.If you smoke two packs of cigarette you would have to spend 3 to 4 hours to smoke two packs of cigarettes in his or her mouth hand or ashtray. It also on avarage takes 5 try’s to quit smoking successfully.In 1900 smoking commercials said smoking helped weight loss.
The fact is that smoking can kill you easily but the people who smoke it are to addicted to stop smoking and it is causing life long damage.